La diversidad en la avicultura y los sistemas de producción alternativos ofrecen a los consumidores más opciones, promoviendo la sostenibilidad y el valor social de los pequeños productores. La ent...
Nutreco lanza el Programa Layer Longevity para mejorar la productividad y sostenibilidad en la producción de huevos, centrado en prolongar los ciclos de puesta de las gallinas. La entrada Nutreco l...
Broiler Contract Farming is well-established in many countries, particularly in the U.S., Brazil, India, and China. La entrada Broiler Contract Farming: Can Integration Evolve for Mutual Success? s...
The modular set-up of Eagle Trax™ also offers customers flexible options, allowing them to choose the modules they need... La entrada Driving hatchery excellence: Petersime introduces new Eagle Tra...
Infectious bursal disease (IBD) poses a major risk to poultry health, leading to immune suppression that increases vulnerability to secondary infections and can negatively affect bird growth and un...
Sustainability, animal welfare, technology, and evolving consumer expectations are defining the future of poultry production. La entrada Key Trends in the Laying Poultry Sector for 2025 se publicó ...
NutriForum 2025 is the ideal space to share the advances in the animal nutrition and feed industry. La entrada Poultry at the forefront! nutriForum 2025 innovates with an unrivalled poultry nutrit...
Aprende a optimizar la alimentación avícola y reducir desperdicios mediante un manejo adecuado de comederos, equipos y condiciones de la nave. La entrada CONSEJOS BÁSICOS PARA REDUCIR EL DESPERDICI...
CEVA: Chick immunization is not just about vaccines, but about good application in the hatchery and understanding the challenge of selecting the right combination of vaccines to achieve adequate di...
The debate over Genetically Modified (GM) vs. Non-GM ingredients in animal feed has been ongoing for decades. While GM crops like soybean, corn, and canola dominate global feed supply, concerns abo...
In recent months, Mexico has emerged as a leading exporter of eggs to the United States, addressing a critical shortage caused by the ongoing avian influenza outbreak. This development highlights M...
Broiler farming is a dynamic business, but one of its biggest challenges is managing birds during hot and humid conditions. While broilers are bred for rapid growth, their ability to regulate body ...